Building the Future of Health

June 2 11:00-12:00

The Architecture of Hospitals: High-end Medical Institutions Pt. 2

Solving Piecemeal Planning

Large-scale hospital complexes, especially teaching hospitals, tend to develop like small cities: buildings are added, under-sized facilities are extended, obsolete constructions may be demolished. Whereas cities usually develop on land with a fixed infrastructural framework, a parceling structure often that originates in ownership titles of the land, large-scale hospitals are ideally based on master plans that, however, tend to lack the long-term validity inherent in urban planning. Moreover, the distinction between public and private components is inexistent and, therefore, the clear planning framework derived from it is also lacking. Consequently, the dynamics of separate components (departments) and the performance of public elements (streets, squares) cannot be balanced. Without a fixed framework and generally acknowledged rules, and the lack of the capacity to pursue long term visions, this leads to a complete lack of consistency. To add insult to injury, departments often need to expand and are likely to do so by just adding volumes seemingly at random in the open spaces surrounding them. Often, the result is similar to what would happen in cities if people would construct buildings in the middle of streets and squares. The rule rather than the exception, this calls for strategies to minimize the damage. In this session we take a look at the Centre for Surgical Medicine II (ZOM II) in Düsseldorf (Germany) by Heinle Wischer Partner and the University Medical Center Groningen (Netherlands) by Kruisheer Hallink, Team 4, Wytze Patijn and Vera Yanovshtchinsky.

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